The Maaloev Axis
The movement trough the axis tells a spatial story of the distinctive character of Maaloev. The main concept derives from the local landscape typology with its characteristic moraine landscape shaped from the impact of the last glacial period.

The glaciers have left a rolling landscape through Maaloev with ice holes, valleys and plains. A beautiful and recreational landscape accessible from north via Maaloev Naturepark and from the South via the Maaloev wedge. As a result, the axis will appear as a fluent movement inspired by the historical qualities of the landscape.

The Maaloev axis creates a colourfull setting in the public spaces surrounding the local station, focused on providing a sense of safety and more activity throughout the day. The new and revitalized urban spaces intertwine existing and new qualities through clear concepts, physical wayfinding and urban transformation .
The Maaloev axis was awarded the Danish Landscape Award 2010 as well as the Ballerup Municipality Building Award 2011.

Type: Invited competition 1st prize
Program: Public space
Client: Ballerup Municipality, Realdania
Size: 15.000 m²
Location: Måløv DK
Year: 2008 - 2011
Collaborators: LiW Planning, Søren Jensen
Image credits: Enok Holsegaard, Kaare Viemose, ADEPT
Awards: Danish Landscape Award 2010 + Ballerup Municipality Building Award 2011