R Hjortshoj Katrinebjerg 59 L

Katrinebjerg nomination

Katrinebjerg Dept. 76 is nominated for an ArchDaily 2024 Building of the Year Awards. Cast your vote via the link below before February 12th.

Dept. 76 is designed to embrace the diversity of the residents in safe and inclusive communities. The architecture of the 130 studio flats and smaller family units operates with different scales of community building and put emphasis to the importance of belonging and sharing to fight loneliness.

The studio complex is composed of three individual buildings varied from 3 - 6 floors. Together they form a continuous soft L-shaped following the edge of the building plot. The façade drops to form a zig-zag wall that embraces the courtyard.

The individual buildings and the smaller communities they form within the whole can be read in shifts in both height and façade and create a varied expression with a distinct human scale.

Vote for the project here: https://boty.archdaily.com/us/...

Project page found here: https://adept.dk/project/katri...